Area: Oxford, Mississippi
Companion: Elder Beckenridge
Dear Manchesters,
This transfer flew by like a jet
engine riding a lightning bolt! Elder Breckenridge got the call and is
headed out and I will be saddled with a new companion as I take on
taking over the area. Good Gravy. Setting my abject horror aside, I
shall take on the challenge with all the gumption of a squeaky sea-lion.
We have two primary, prospective baptisms again,
Kenneth and another woman named Alysha. Alysha has a sister, Hannah, who
joined the Church about three years ago and now she's considering
Mother asked for some details on some previously
mentioned events. Driving down a road Elder Breckenridge and I spotted a
Turtle. It likely was going to try and cross so we snatched it up and
drove it to a safe place and dropped it off.
The church building here is on top of a fairly steep hill. It is painful to reach via bike.
Lastly, we had a grill and Elder Breckenridge sold it, we moved it from the apartment balcony onto the back of a pick up.
I am stunned that I've been out for a year now and I
know this time is going to vanish lickity split. I've got to do all I
can to make good use of it. Thank you all for your support!
-Elder North